Forbes: The University of Illinois profiled as an AI powerhouse

In a recent Forbes article, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign was highlighted as the artificial intelligence (AI) powerhouse of the Midwest. Research Park propels AI innovation through its many AI startups, corporate innovation sites supporting AI projects, community groups, and more.

Nancy Amato, Interim Director of the Siebel School of Computing and Data Science, said that the U of I is “a place where industry comes to do cutting-edge research,” a capability that is made easier by the Research Park.  “[The University of Illinois] [is] the bridge between foundational research and corporate breakthroughs.”

Many Research Park corporate offices work on projects related to AI: NVIDIA, Capital One, Synchrony, and others hire interns and full-time staff dedicated to this emerging technology.

The Research Park’s incubator, EnterpriseWorks, is the home to several startups specializing in AI, including AI Nexus Healthcare, ClimeCast, Identomat, Kocree, Maxflow Technology, and Zite AI.

The Research Park also fosters community around AI topics. The “Working with AI” User Group meets monthly to discuss new applications and implications of AI. This group provides a platform for learning, networking, and collaboration among individuals and organizations working with AI or looking to get started in this field.

The Forbes article featured EnterpriseWorks startup and graduate Reconstruct and Prenosis as AI entrepreneurs. Reconstruct, a company that uses AI tools to analyze construction data, currently has an engineering office in EnterpriseWorks. Startup graduate Prenosis, now located in Chicago, uses AI to tailor health care to an individual’s biology.

Read the entire article on the Forbes website.