Two EnterpriseWorks graduates qualified for Inc. Magazine’s 2023 “5000 Fastest-Growing Private Companies in America” list. Both continue to grow their companies in Champaign County.
Serionix, which is known as Colorfil on the list, placed at #752. Eden Park Illumination placed at 2,858.
“Given the tremendous growth we’ve experienced—going on almost 36 months at 13% CMGR (compounded monthly growth rate) —it wasn’t exactly a surprise but is nevertheless a great honor and recognition for our team,” said Jim Langer, Serionix co-founder and CEO.

Eden Park manufactures and deploys patented wafer-thin panels that deliver reliable, safe, and effective Far-UVC 222nm technology that continuously reduces and inhibits air and surface pathogens in densely populated spaces. It was co-founded by faculty at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
During its days at EnterpriseWorks, Serionix focused on developing products for industrial air purification. The team also enlisted numerous Research Park resources and mentors, including EnterpriseWorks’ SBIR Technical Assistance Program, who helped with grant proposals – a process that CEO Jim Langer said further “helped refine our story and our goals.”
The company’s technology benefits everyone from astronauts to the average cat owner.
Langer shared that the next step for the company is to fuel investment in people, channels, and product– investments that will collectively unlock the potential growth for Colorfil. For more information, visit Colorfil’s website.