OVCRI Communications and Proposal Development


OVCRI Communications and Proposal Development


(217) 333-0034

1901 S. First St. Champaign, IL

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation (OVCRI) leads the university’s research strategy; manages regulatory, administrative, compliance, and research support activities; and develops policies that guide the conduct of research. The OVCRI invests in infrastructure and strategic, creative thinking to support a thriving research enterprise with global impact, including:

    • Oversight of research safety, human subjects research, animal research, export control, and conflicts of interest

    • Proposal submission and award management

    • Research integrity and research misconduct

    • Managing repatriation of human remains and sacred objects

    • Research and project development

    • Research infrastructure

    • Innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic development

    • Research data, information, engagement, and outreach

OVCRI’s Communications and Proposal Development activities include connecting scholars with opportunities to advacne their research; sharing information about research-related policies, guidelines, and regulations; and telling stories of innovation of impact.
