Yahoo in the Research Park is recognizing their engineering staff who have submitted patents and published papers in academic journals. Their team is working on many innovations that will help advance Yahoo and provide improvements for users and advertisers. Impressive work!
- Dale Nussel and Allie Watfa: Commercial Incentive Presentation System and Method, Interactive System for Internet Information Retrieval and Exploration, Using Spam and User Actions to Infer Advertisements, Binary Interest Vector for Better Audience Targeting, Web Hosted Framework for Mobile Applications.
- Scott Preece: System Method Using a Streaming Captcha for Online Verification
- Aaron Klish: Advertising Through Product Endorsements in Social Networks
- Allie Watfa, Dale Nussel and Jon Kilroy: Image Content Based Advertisment System, Billboard for Local Social Ads/Deals, Grouping Then Mapping User Properties for Faster Interest Targeting
- Nathan Roberts, Jeanie Zheng, Chung Sohn, Kihwal Lee, John George, Chuck Neerdaels: Method for Distributed Direct Object Access Storage, Method for Efficient Storage Node Replacement