The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is a preeminent land-grant research university, with more than 50,000 students. Located on its main campus, the University of Illinois Research Park is a 200-acre development with leading corporate innovation centers, startup companies, and lifestyle amenities.
The Research Park today released a RFP to accelerate development in accordance with the Master Plan as adopted by the University of Illinois Board of Trustees. The University is strongly committed to the growth of the Research Park.
The State of Illinois Public Higher Education Bulletin has published a Request for Proposal: Research Park Developer Selection Zone 1 & 2. It is located here:
Users may login in the upper-right section of the screen or create a new registration; registration is required to download the full RFP document.
The University of Illinois Research Park hosted a one-hour Pre-Proposal Conference and Information Session on Thursday, March 11, 2021, which provided background information on the development area, reviewed the RFP process, and allowed participant questions.
Access the event recording HERE.
RFP responses will be accepted until Friday, April 23, 2021. Interested parties should respond in the manner outlined within the State of Illinois Public Higher Education Bulletin.
Purpose of Request for Proposal: The UIRP LLC seeks a Developer or development team for specific land development projects or specific building proposals within two (2) areas (zones) within the Research Park Boundaries using a Developer Equity Model. A concession ground lease pursuant 30 ILCS 500/53-25 be used to transact these arrangements. These zones are further defined herein and are designated for the following uses:
- Graduate student and/or professional market rate private housing projects. Projects shall not include undergraduate housing, and will not be a part of the University housing system
- Mixed-use development including residential, office or retail uses
- Commercial office development (developer-owned)
- Office/research development of owner-occupied buildings
- Research facilities
- Medical-related facilities and associated uses
- Other uses which are consistent with the Research Park mission as may be determined by UIRP LLC and University
The timeline for the Request for Proposal (RFP) is as follows:
- Publication of Request for Proposals: February 19, 2021
- Pre-proposal conference and information session: March 11, 2021
- Deadline for questions by email: April 14, 2021
- Deadline for submissions: April 23, 2021
- Award anticipated by Fall 2021
For additional information, contact by email only. No phone inquiries will be answered. Answers to questions will be formulated by the Research Park RFP Committee and posted on the Illinois Public Higher Education Bulletin.
Bruce Walden, [email protected]
University of Illinois
Office of Capital Programs and Real Estate Services
506 S. Wright Street, Suite 208
Urbana, Illinois 61801
Thank you for your interest.