Servabo, a student startup that has collected awards for its mantel — and accolades from industry partners — was profiled in the (Champaign-Urbana) News-Gazette’s Sunday business section on March 9.
Servabo was one of 32 semifinalists in the national Student Startup Madness competition for digital businesses, and the company won the Student Startup Award at Champaign County’s Innovation Celebration this year.
Deppen and Ismail have also been working with mentors at Allstate as a result of involvement in the Illinois Corporate/Start-Up Challenge, which matches startup companies with Fortune 500 companies.
Now it’s time to turn the concept into a product. Servabo, which has quarters in the university’s EnterpriseWorks business incubator, is developing prototypes for the base device.
To read the full article, visit the News-Gazette’s website.