Nuvixa launches StagePresence: Seeking to Provide Demos with Research Park Companies

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Posted on: April 6, 2011

Nuvixa's StagePresence combines video conferencing and powerpoint presentations and puts them together in an easy to use video tool that can be shared online. StagePresence enables a presenter to engage an on-line audience with compelling presentations that "fuses" the speaker, video and other content with natural user interfaces; it essentially embeds the presenter into their content for more dynamic and interactive results. The technology's use in presentations leads to more engaging and interactive results by putting the speaker into the content and letting them control that content more naturally.

They’ve created how-to tutorials and started a few examples, including doing a video with Cazoodle in the Research Park. Check it out:

The Research Park is hosting a demonstration session on April 15th from 12:00-1:00 pm at EnterpriseWorks to share with other companies in the Research Park how they can make these videos for their companies. Nuvixa will help create these videos for companies and allow you to post them on You Tube and share with your clients.