Research Park Welcomes New Accounting Associate and Lab Manager

Categories : EnterpriseWorks, Research Park
Posted on: January 11, 2022

Research Park’s team continues to grow and evolve, in response to the needs of its resident companies. The two newest team members primarily will engage with tenants at the EnterpriseWorks incubator.


Robert Kouzmanoff is the new Accounting Associate at EnterpriseWorks and the Research Park. His responsibilities include implementing budgets, grant oversight, purchasing and payments, leasing administration for incubator clients, and expense reporting. Previously, he worked in municipal government finance and human resources roles.

Kouzmanoff is a Marine Corps veteran and graduate of Eastern Illinois University.

Joe Maduzia is the new lab manager at EnterpriseWorks. His role includes oversight of the tenant labs (including the future LabWorks), the shared labs, and the MakerSpace. He is at EnterpriseWorks on a part-time, as-needed basis.

Maduzia works across campus as a lab specialist in in the Micro-Nano-Mechanical Systems Cleanroom. Earlier in his career, he worked at EnterpriseWorks graduate Starfire when the company was in residency at the incubator.

He recently completed a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Grainger College of Engineering.

Welcome, Robert and Joe!

welcome to the team Kouzmanoff Maduzia