EnterpriseWorks and I-Start Accelerator graduate Mammoth Trading sits down with Venture Well to discuss the significance of the NSF I-Corps program. CEO Richael Young reflects on the company’s time in the I-Corps program while working at Research Park, emphasizing that I-Corps has taught the team that, “we had to spend more time thinking about customer pain points, legal frameworks, and regulations much more than algorithms and web interfaces.”
I-Corps national faculty member and Expert-in-Residence Jed Taylor now sits on the advisory board of Mammoth Trading, in which he states, “Mammoth Trading is a good example of a startup that went out there and identified a problem that needed to be solved and used innovation and entrepreneurship to fix it. That’s a good reminder for future innovators. Don’t fall in love with your invention. That may blind you to actually solving the problem or creating a sustainable business.”
Mammoth Trading is now located in Denver Colorado. For the full story, click here.