InnSight Technology, an EnterpriseWorks startup, has received a $750,000 Small Business Innovation Research Phase II grant from the National Science Foundation. Phase II funding will go towards making new advancements in their technology, which is a handheld device that discovers severe eye injuries. The startup’s founders, Dipanjan Pan and Leanne Labriola, acknowledge Research Park and EnterpriseWorks by explaining, “We are very appreciative of the support of Jed Taylor and the team at EnterpriseWorks, the startup incubator at Research Park. They have been instrumental in finding development funding, and they have offered advice for moving an idea from the lab to the marketplace.” InnSight has accessed many entrepreneurial resources through EnterpriseWorks including Entrepreneurs-in-Residence, SBIR Technical Assistance, and taking part in AWARE programming. InnSight Technology estimates to have their first product, the OcuCheck sensor, on the market within the next two to three years.
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