ARI Announces Research Partnership with Sandia at the Research Park

Categories : Partnerships & Acquisitions, Research Park
Posted on: December 5, 2014

CHAMPAIGN, IL, Dec. 5, 2014 — The Illinois Applied Research Institute has announced a five-year partnership between Sandia National Laboratories and the University of Illinois. The partnership is meant to strengthen research ties and enable innovation and technological development.

“This partnership is aligned around the goals of solving this nation’s big problems, sustaining and engaging human capital, and accelerating the adoption of new technology.”

Along with the new partnership, Sandia plans to hire staff and student talent from the University of Illinois to further its developments.

Read the full article from ARI here. ARI is located at the University of Illinois Research Park. 

About Illinois Applied Research Institute
The Illinois Applied Research Institute was formed in 2012 to support the University of Illinois’ role as a recognized leader in public research in the areas of engineering, science, technology, business, agriculture, medicine, and more.

We do our work by partnering with companies and federal agencies to perform translational R&D that goes beyond traditional research boundaries. We focus on large programs that will result in new products and processes for the marketplace, and short-term projects with immediate gains and returns. We offer a full spectrum of services: we can shepherd your project from initial concept, into development, and through testing and evaluation.

We are also advancing high-tech business, employment, and educational opportunities in the Champaign-Urbana metro area.

Current research partners include the US Air Force Research Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, and other organizations. The ARI is actively leveraging these relationships to perform research in the areas of computing, cybersecurity, and energy.