Bus Routes in Research Park
The public transit system in Urbana-Champaign makes travelling to and from Research Park easy. Learn more about the bus routes at the link below.
Electric Vehicle Charging
In the southeast corner of the EnterpriseWorks’ parking lot, electric vehicle charging is available for use by Research Park employees.
Parking (same as Incubator page)
EnterpriseWorks offers two available permit parking lots to tenants and their employees:
- North Parking Lot (entrance on Oak St)
- East Parking Lot (entrance on Hazelwood Dr)
For any tenant or employee that needs a parking pass for the EnterpriseWorks parking lot, please see Sheri Wilson at the EnterpriseWorks front desk.
Registering Your Bike
Research Park has bicycle paths and docks, making getting here easy for bike-riders. Registering for the Project 529 Shield tag protects your bike.