SNOOZ is a consumer electronics company that creates products for home and hospitality use. Its primary focus is in optimizing the interaction between air movement and sound generation, and building devices that produce sound masking for sleep or privacy, and are energy efficient. SNOOZ’s current product offering can be found in hotels and for sale online.
With a background in mechanical engineering from the University of Illinois, co-founders, Eli Lazar and Matthew Snyder created SNOOZ in 2015.
EnterpriseWorks Tenure: 2017-2019
News & Milestones
- EnterpriseWorks Startup Snooz Reinvents the Noise Machine
- EnterpriseWorks Graduate SNOOZ Raises $1.35 Million
- EnterpriseWorks Graduate SNOOZ Launches New Product on Kickstarter
- SNOOZ Co-Founder Eli Lazar Talks Journey to Success on “Innovations” Podcast
- An Interview with SNOOZ Co-Founder Eli Lazar
After graduating from EnterpriseWorks in 2019, SNOOZ opened its corporate headquarters in Las Vegas, NV.