Froberg Aerospace

Froberg Aerospace

Joshua Rovey, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Illinois, and Steven Berg founded Froberg Aerospace LLC in 2016 to commercialize propulsion technology.

Froberg Aerospace provides propulsion technologies that offer small satellite developers mission flexibility capabilities, rapid concept-to-orbit, and the ability to change satellite mission requirements on the fly. Froberg’s flagship multi-modal propulsion system offers high-thrust and high-efficiency propulsion in a single package. This system has state-of-the-art single-mode systems and is capable of performing complex tasks such as delta-V orbit transfers and rendezvous maneuvers on demand.

Froberg was awarded a NASA SBIR Phase I in 2017 to further develop the concept and has been selected for Phase II beginning in 2018.

EnterpriseWorks Tenure: 2018-2020

News & Milestones

Froberg Aerospace Now

Froberg Aerospace currently operates out of Wilmington, North Carolina. In May 2022, they were selected for NASA SBIR Phase I for the project ‘Multimode Chemical-Electric Propulsion Transfer Stage for Flexible Cislunar Operations.’