EnterpriseWorks Graduate Network Perception Acquired by Dragos

EnterpriseWorks startup Cache Energy has expanded its operations into a warehouse at 301 E. Mercury Drive in north Champaign.

The new addition will act as a manufacturing warehouse where Cache will build its long-term energy storage from scratch, including assembling mechanical and electrical components of its limestone-based energy storage. Currently, the company can produce one Ton an hour.

Cache also plans to expand to more locations, including potential manufacturing facilities beyond Illinois, although focusing on Champaign-Urbana as its central hub.

“The whole purpose of getting this warehouse was expanding our manufacturing and making Champaign-Urbana the hub in the Midwest region where we manufacture and ship around our products,” said Arpit Dwivedi, founder and CEO of Cache Energy.

With the expansion, Dwivedi anticipates creating 20 to 25 new jobs in Champaign, seeking passionate individuals willing to contribute to a project with global impact.