Tenants at EnterpriseWorks have full access to its suite of services for entrepreneurs and benefit from the peer community that envelops it.
Acceptance as a tenant is contingent upon meeting the following criteria:
- The applicant must be an incorporated, for-profit company with a valid tax ID.
- The applicant must be an early-stage, technology-based company with significant market potential.
- The applicant must have (or wish to have) an active relationship, in some form, with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- The principals involved should be well-qualified in their field of technology and have (or plan to have) experienced management as part of the team.
- The company must be financially solvent with a plan to raise sufficient capital to achieve its business plan.
EnterpriseWorks Tenant Application
Have questions? Contact Cynthia Faullin, Associate Director of Operations at cfaullin@illinois.edu.
The EnterpriseWorks Affiliate Program is a pre-incubation program for early-stage startup companies. This program is designed to help inventors and entrepreneurs to access EnterpriseWorks' services and become tenants of the Research Park through an affordable program.
To be considered for the affiliate program, the applicant:
- Must be a for-profit business
- Must have a real need for the services offered through EnterpriseWorks
- Must be a technology-based business with commercial potential
- Must have well-qualified principals involved with the business
Affiliate Application
The EnterpriseWorks Individual Membership is designed to provide access to EnterpriseWorks' services to solo entrepreneurs, contract workers, or professionals who are working remotely.
To be considered for individual membership, the applicant:
- Must be a well-qualified individual
- Must be working for or starting a for-profit business
- Must have a real need for the services offered through EnterpriseWorks
- Must be working on a research or technology related professional opportunity
Individual Membership Application
Students may submit proposals to be considered for access to the co-working space and shared lab facilities in EnterpriseWorks, the startup incubator at the Research Park. Proposals are accepted on a competitive basis. Occasionally, shared space that is dedicated to student startups may be available, but it is not guaranteed.
To be considered for student startup membership, the applicant:
- Must have a founder/executive that is currently enrolled at the University of Illinois
- Must be starting a for profit business
- Must have a real need for the services offered through EnterpriseWorks
- Must be a technology-based business
*Most of the available student startup space is dedicated to Cozad New Venture Challenge and Illinois Innovation Award winners.