The Office of Technology Management's mission is to encourage innovation, enhance research, and facilitate economic development through the transfer of intellectual property.
In its primary area of responsibility, the OTM provides in-house technology protection and commercialization services to transfer IP created on the Champaign-Urbana campus into practical use to benefit the public as quickly and effectively as possible.
The Technology Entrepreneur Center is an interdisciplinary program in the Grainger College of Engineering engaging a vast pool of faculty, students, and alumni to provide the education, experiences, and resources that students need to become innovative leaders and empower them to change the world around them.
The Origin Ventures Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership (OVAEL) offers entrepreneurship programs, services, and resources to faculty, students, and community members. The Academy's mission is to encourage entrepreneurial awareness and initiatives across all disciplines at the University. Drawing on the strengths of all fields across the Illinois campus, OVAEL helps to initiate, build, and connect an understanding, appreciation, and inclusion of entrepreneurship.
EntreCorps is a student-managed consulting organization that provides business strategy and design thinking advice to entrepreneurial startups. The team is comprised of graduate and undergraduate students who assist both aspiring entrepreneurs and growing startups.