Ameren Innovation Center


Ameren Innovation Center

2100 S. First St. Champaign, IL

 Ameren was created by the combination of three Illinois utilities (CIPSCO Incorporated, CILCO Inc. and Illinois Power Company) and Union Electric Company of St. Louis. The name comes from combining the words American and Energy. Employing more than 8,500 personnel, Ameren powers the quality of life for 2.4 million electric customers and more than 900,000 natural gas customers across a 64,000-square-mile area. The Ameren Innovation Center collaborates with students and faculty from the University of Illinois and other companies across multiple industries at the Research Park. Their goal is to foster an exploratory environment that focuses on innovations to help Ameren better meet the future needs of its customers. The innovation center works on solving relevant problems and developing instrumental tools for the company.

Ameren Innovation Center

    Intern Awards

      Stay Connected with Ameren


        Positions and Skills at Ameren

        Ameren hires a wide range of interns year-round. The company looks at freshman to Ph.D. applicants for data analysis, application development, and operations roles. Additionally, Ameren has hired more than 20 different majors and encourages all majors to apply.


            • Data: The Data Science team deals with vast volumes of data using modern tools and techniques to find unseen patterns, derive meaningful information, and make informed decisions.

            • App Development: The application development team focuses on designing, building, and implementing software applications for many internal Ameren projects.

            • Technology: The technology team will work in the physical space to implement innovative battery, solar, and robotic technology to contribute to the development of sustainable energy solutions for our customers.

            • iOps: The iOps team leads the internal side of the Center and removes all barriers that the other teams may face. Marketing the Center to potential applicants and internal management falls under the job description for the iOps team.

          If interested in any of these roles, please fill out this interest form:
