UIUC Research Park hosts Young Entrepreneurship Program

Category : Research Park
Posted on: May 18, 2016
CHAMPAIGN – Fourteen students from the Champaign’s Unit 4 School District form the first Young Entrepreneurship Program. Hosted by Illinois’s Research Park, the program provides students the chance to develop their own startup company.
Each student was paired with a local entrepreneurial mentor, four of which were from Research Park. The four companies were Agrible, Inc., Nardo Techonology, EnterpriseWorks, and Anheuser-Busch. Each student learned about their mentor’s business and then in an EXPO-style showcase, they presented their business idea to the community (pictured above).
Marc Changnon, the Unit 4 District Coordinator of Career Programs and Community Partnerships notes that students are doing this not for credit or pay but “because they want to learn about being an entrepreneur and pursue an idea they have, be it for a business or social benefit.”