Research Park extends its deepest condolences to Common Ground Research Networks on the heartbreaking loss of longtime employee Jessica Weinhold-Brokish, who passed away last week in an auto accident. Ms. Weinhold-Brokish’s husband, Jeff Brokish, survived the crash; he also works in the Research Park, at Riverbed Technology. The accident tragically claimed the lives of their three young children, two school-age sons and a toddler daughter.
Our hearts go out to the Brokish family, their friends and colleagues, and the greater community at this time of intensive grief and mourning. We will post information here regarding memorials and services as we receive them.
- University of Illinois counseling services are available to Research Park employees and their families through the Faculty/Staff Assistance Programs. For more information, go HERE.
- A GoFundMe donation page has been set up to benefit the Brokish family, please view that HERE. (This is not affiliated with Research Park, we are passing this along as a service).